The Evolution of the Human Body


Apotheosis Anthology Kickstarter

Last week, Simian Publishing kicked off the Kickstarter for our next anthology Apotheosis – Stories of human survival and defiance in a world subjugated by the Elder Gods.  We’re current at 60% towards being funded.  If you appreciate Lovecraft Mythos themed short fiction, please consider contributing to the cause and help us push across the line..

Apotheosis – Stories of human survival and defiance in a world subjugated by the Elder Gods.

For tens of thousands of years, humanity struggled to grow and evolve, but forever in the shadow of a dread threat known only to a devoted few. When the stars are right, it is said, the Old Ones will return to claim utter dominion of the world…and now this terrible prediction is reality. This anthology features stories about humanity’s new struggle for survival under the reign of the Elder Gods and ancient terrors. It is inspired by the Lovecraft Mythos stories that often climax at the moment of the fateful return of the Elder Gods, but that the audience to ponder at what might happen next. Those questions are answered here, in Apotheosis! This anthology will be available in e-book and print-on-demand (POD) formats.


Goodreads Book Giveaway contest: The Future Embodied

Interested in The Future Embodied, but haven’t picked up a copy yet?  Enter the Goodreads Book Giveaway contest.

The contest is completely free.  All you have to do is join Goodreads and click a button to enter the contest.  Winners will receive a free copy of The Future Embodied mailed to them.

The Future Embodied – An anthology of speculative stories exploring how science and technology might change our bodies and what it means to be human. Imagine what our ancestors a mere hundred years ago would have thought of the modern world. Experience the future as imagined via nineteen powerful voices envisioning what we might become. Including stories from: William F. Nolan, David Gerrold, Ree Soesbee, Jennifer Brozek, Katrina Nicholson, Nghi Vo, Jennifer R. Povey, Sarah Pinsker, Thomas Brennan, Miles Britton, Megan Lee Beals, Lauren C. Teffeau, Shane Robinson, John Skylar, Preston Dennett, Alexandra Grunberg, Wayne Helge, and Holly Schofield. 

Buy from Amazon  / B&N  / Smashwords / iTunes

[Hugo Nominations] Congratulations to Galen Dara

Congratulations to Galen Dara for her Hugo Nomination in the Best Professional Artist category.  We were very lucky to have Galen work on the cover for The Future Embodied and can only imagine a wonderful and bright future for her.


The Future Embodied – An anthology of speculative stories exploring how science and technology might change our bodies and what it means to be human. Imagine what our ancestors a mere hundred years ago would have thought of the modern world. Experience the future as imagined via nineteen powerful voices envisioning what we might become. Including stories from: William F. Nolan, David Gerrold, Ree Soesbee, Jennifer Brozek, Katrina Nicholson, Nghi Vo, Jennifer R. Povey, Sarah Pinsker, Thomas Brennan, Miles Britton, Megan Lee Beals, Lauren C. Teffeau, Shane Robinson, John Skylar, Preston Dennett, Alexandra Grunberg, Wayne Helge, and Holly Schofield. 

Buy from Amazon  / B&N (coming soon) / Kobo (coming soon) / Smashwords


The Future Embodied (Kindle version) is now Live!

Working on this project was akin to watching a dream take physical form.  Physical copies of The Future Embodied should be available sometime next week.


The Future Embodied – An anthology of speculative stories exploring how science and technology might change our bodies and what it means to be human. Imagine what our ancestors a mere hundred years ago would have thought of the modern world. Think of the medical marvels we experience on a daily basis that would have seemed impossible. Recent medical advances have dramatically extended the human life-span to unthinkable lengths. Science has changed how we live in this world. Technology has allowed humanity to dramatically alter our environment, how we communicate, and how we experience life. Imagine now what our descendants might experience. What new trials or tribulations will the future of humanity suffer, or overcome? The final frontier won’t be out in space but inside our own bodies.

Experience the future as imagined via nineteen powerful voices envisioning what we might become. Including stories from: William F. Nolan, David Gerrold, Ree Soesbee, Jennifer Brozek, Katrina Nicholson, Nghi Vo, Jennifer R. Povey, Sarah Pinsker, Thomas Brennan, Miles Britton, Megan Lee Beals, Lauren C. Teffeau, Shane Robinson, John Skylar, Preston Dennett, Alexandra Grunberg, Wayne Helge, and Holly Schofield.

 Now available on Amazon for $4.99.   (Other e-book formats will be available in May, 2014)

Finalized Cover of The Future Embodied

Progress continues on the anthology.  Gaze upon the finalized version of our cover by the amazing Galen Dara.

future embodied_ARC design1 sm

Table of Contents

Here is the tentative TOC for the Future Embodied (Note: The order of the ToC has yet to be decided.)

Table of Contents

Guest Stars
“A New Man” by William F. Nolan (Logan’s Run)
“Crystallization” by David Gerrold (Star Trek: The Trouble With Tribbles, The War Against
The Chtorr, and Star Wolf)

“Autoimmune” by Katrina Nicholson
“A Memory of White Flowers” by Nghi Vo
“For the Children” by Jennifer R. Povey
“Headlong” by Sarah Pinsker
“The Memory of Water” by Thomas Brennan
“Mother’s Little Helpers: A Memoir” by Miles Britton
“No Such Color as Indigo” by Megan Lee Beals
“Protean” by Ree Soesbee
“Resonance” by Lauren C. Teffeau
“Saturday Night at the Sickbar” by Shane Robinson
“Sixty Thousand Dollars Per Hour” by John Skylar
“Tears, Not of a Child” by Preston Dennett
“The Bathory Clinic Deal” by Jennifer Brozek
“Tezt Messages” by Alexandra Grunberg
“Toca La Guitarra” by Wayne Helge
“Trash Talk” by Holly Schofield
“Zipperback” by K. H. Vaughan

First Round Rejections Sent Out


The first round of rejections from The Future Embodied have been sent out to the various writers.  We had over 250 submissions, which is amazing for a small press anthology.  Thank you to everyone that worked hard on their submission.

If you haven’t heard from us, then you are still under consideration.

Jason Andrew and Mae Empson
Editors of The Future Embodied

Running through the Slush Pile

We’re reviewing submissions.  We expect to be through the first round by July 1st.

Please do not query us before that date!


the Editors

Deadline Extended to April 15th 2013

Due to popular request because of the increase in rates, we have extended the deadline for open submissions by two weeks.

The Deadline for submissions is now April, 15th, 2013.

Good luck!

— The Editors

Review Process

A number of you have asked how the editors are going to review and select the stories for The Future Embodied.

Mae and I will each read every submission and put them into yes, no, maybe category boxes.

Afterwards, we will compare our boxes and see where we agree and disagree and proceed from there to build the best anthology we can.

We will discuss the maybes and see if we can compromise on our darlings.  And the anthology will be greater for it.

Jason Andrew
The Future Embodied Co-Editor